From Organizations > Individuals to Organizations = Individuals ?
Changes are occurring now in the relationship between the company and its employees, and between the company and its external partners.
From a top-down relationship in which the orders of management and leaders are thoroughly enforced to employees, the number of relationships in which employees' opinions and abilities are drawn out and respected has been increasing, and flattening is beginning to progress.
In the first place, what should be the relationship between the company and its employees and external partners?
Looking at our long history, we would like to deepen our thoughts on the relationship between organizations and individuals, which has reached a new turning point as of now.
the relationship between organizations and individuals, which has reached a new turning point as of now
I would like to give an example of a European company where it is the most rewarding place to work. It's a company called “Viisi”.
They profess their priorities: employees first, customers second, and stakeholders third.
Their main business is housing loan consulting, but if the company treats their employees with respect in terms of job satisfaction and treatment, their employees happiness will increase and they will be physically more fit and healthy. So, naturally, they will be able to take care of the customers more nicely with kind and respecting manner and heart. A third-party’s customer satisfaction survey also showed their high satisfaction with 9.8 points out of 10.
Also, they operate in a “holacracy model”, without executives or managers.
The positive effect seems definitely greater. Since each individual is self-motivated rather than top-down, it is possible to maintain a high level of motivation for works. In addition, each individual is not in charge of only one theme or one part of the operations, and the system that flexibly supports each other's work across the horizontal is an element that increases the speed of their work while responding to the situation on the spot.
According to the founder, thorough equality is important for the Holacracy to work. There are no titles in the “Viisi” and no leaders in each group inside. No rewards or bonuses. A uniform salary table (high standard) is applied to everyone, including the founder.
In that PtoP, where there is no manager, everyone's performance can be seen openly. There is no push from above, and they are inspired to do their best, naturally trying to help their colleagues. Certainly, when there is a position or leader and a hierarchical relationship is created, it is difficult for the subordinates to develop a sense of independence, and it is easy to cut corners regardless of compensation or bonuses. In the end, their responsibility is pushed to the top and positions above.
Because of their positions, leaders and managers are forced to take on responsibilities and duties that exceed their remuneration, and subordinates who cannot move without support from them take up a huge amount of their stress and time. And, they tend to be unable to perform as they should and they have. When both sides are not growing, exhausted, and dissatisfied, how can they sincerely provide satisfying services to their customers?
I know this from my first-hand experience in a large company or organization, and their mysterious relationship between companies and individuals in which it is not known who will benefit. And we wonder how many organizations and companies have created such environment and still try to badly hold that.
“holacracy model”, without executives or managers
Changes happening
Changes can be seen in the relationship between companies and individuals. This can be said to be on global trend. And I have a feeling that Corona is accelerating it.
Even if you are away and remote from the company, you can work without looking at your boss's face. Many organizations are starting to lose their awareness of the organization, as their workers are starting to turn their focus from the company's perspective to the actual duties and practices.
This is also a good sign, because workers can take their lives back into their own hands. In the United States and other developed countries, there has been a tendency to distrust organizations from the beginning, and this trend has become even stronger in recent years. The mindset that individuals separate from organizations and become independent is spreading all over the world.
Even so, there are still some stupid companies and organizations that try to recruit human resources as if the organization has power, but eventually they will be weeded out or will be forced to admit their mistakes and change.
The mindset that individuals separate from organizations and become independent is spreading all over the world
A relationship in which employees are subordinate to a company has emerged just in recent after the industrial revolution. Before the industrial revolution, people were working more like as craftsmen and starting businesses by own. But they began to work more under the direction of factories and organizations after the industrial revolution.
Perhaps we can say that we are now returning to that craftsmanship era. Also, our modern and future society is the knowledge societies.
As continuing to create new value has become more a big part of a company's value, their focusing matters must be not just organizational and factory efficiency, but innovation, creation, and the power to drive them.
In addition, in developed countries, the working population is not inexhaustible but finite, and so it is pretty natural that the number of people who pledge allegiance to the company will decrease.
However, for individuals and employees, in order to become more equal and fair relationship to the company, each individual's experience and internal growth is essential. If the number of individuals who can make these efforts with an independent spirit does not increase, for a little while longer, many individuals will need to pretend to swear allegiance to the organization or company, or will be deceived into committing their lives to the company. It will continue to be forced to live a life of pouring in organization.
It's up to you whether you can take your life back into your own hands or not. Think, act, and change independently without relying much on schools and organizations.
If you can't do this, you can't build any fair and healthy relationship with companies and organizations, which is actually no merit to both side.
in order to become more equal and fair relationship to the company, each individual's experience and internal growth is essential
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